Mechanisms for House Allocation with Existing Tenants under Dichotomous Preferences

DOI link to open access article: Mechanisms for House Allocation with Existing Tenants under Dichotomous Preferences

Haris Aziz

Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design
Volume 3, issue 1, pages 97-110 (December 2018)
doi: 10.22574/jmid.2018.12.004


We consider house allocation with existing tenants in which each agent has dichotomous preferences. We present strategyproof, polynomial-time, and (strongly) individually rational algorithms that satisfy the maximum number of agents. For the endowment only model, one of the algorithms also returns a core-stable allocation.

Keywords: House allocation, core, dichotomous preferences.

JEL Classification Numbers: C62, C63, C78.